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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Peluang Lahirnya Era Penyiaran Televisi Digital

Meski tak diwarnai dengan perayaan yang gegap-gempita, pada 13 Agustus 2008 Indonesia telah menapak ke analog_tvpintu teknologi penyiaran televisi digital. Peristiwa itu berupa soft launching siaran TV digital oleh TVRI. Langkah ini jelas akan menjadi lokomotif bagi perubahan yang bakal cukup radikal di bidang penyiaran televisi nasional.
Perubahan atau penyesuaian itu tak hanya di sisi penyedia konten dan infrastruktur penyiaran, tetapi juga di masyarakat. Sudah jamak diketahui bahwa masyarakat makin mengandalkan televisi sebagai media informasi sekaligus hiburan, yang ditandai kian tahun kian meningkat peredaran jumlah pesawat televisi. Saat ini ada sekitar 40 juta unit televisi yang ditonton lebih dari 200 juta orang.
Langkah awal perubahan ini bakal menjadi era baru bagi dunia industri televisi nasional, menggantikan era penyiaran televisi analog yang dimulai pada 17 Agustus 1962 berupa siaran percobaan TVRI dalam acara HUT Proklamasi Kemerdekaan XVII Indonesia dari halaman Istana Merdeka Jakarta. Pada 24 Agustus 1962, TVRI mengudara pertama kalinya dengan acara siaran langsung upacara pembukaan Asian Games IV dari Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno.
Teknologi TV digital dipilih karena punya banyak kelebihan dibandingkan dengan analog. Teknologi ini punya ketahanan terhadap efek interferensi, derau dan fading, serta kemudahannya untuk dilakukan proses perbaikan (recovery) terhadap sinyal yang rusak akibat proses pengiriman/transmisi sinyal. Perbaikan akan dilakukan di bagian penerima dengan suatu kode koreksi error (error correction code) tertentu. Kelebihan lainnya adalah efisiensi di banyak hal, antara lain pada spektrum frekuensi (efisiensi bandwidth), efisiensi dalam network transmission, transmission power, maupun consumption power.
Di samping itu, TV digital menyajikan gambar dan suara yang jauh lebih stabil dan resolusi lebih tajam ketimbang analog. Hal ini dimungkinkan oleh penggunaan sistem Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) yang tangguh dalam mengatasi efek lintas jamak (multipath). Pada sistem analog, efek lintasan jamak menimbulkan echo yang berakibat munculnya gambar ganda (seakan ada bayangan).
Kelebihan lainnya adalah ketahanan terhadap perubahan lingkungan yang terjadi karena pergerakan pesawat penerima (untuk penerimaan mobile), misalnya di kendaraan yang bergerak, sehingga tidak terjadi gambar bergoyang atau berubah-ubah kualitasnya seperti pada TV analog saat ini.
Standar DVB-T dan DAB
Pemerintah telah memutuskan sistem Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) sebagai standar nasional Indonesia karena dari hasil uji coba yang dilakukan oleh Tim Nasional Migrasi TV dan Radio dari Analog ke Digital, teknologi DVB-T lebih unggul dan memiliki manfaat lebih dibandingkan dengan teknologi penyiaran digital lainnya.
Teknologi ini mampu memultipleks beberapa program sekaligus, di mana enam program siaran dapat ”dimasukkan” ke dalam satu kanal TV berlebar pita 8 MHz, dengan kualitas jauh lebih baik. Ibarat satu lahan, yang semula hanya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk satu rumah, dengan teknologi ini mampu dibangun enam rumah dengan kualitas bangunan jauh lebih baik dan kapasitas ruangan lebih banyak. Di samping itu, penambahan varian DVB-H (handheld) mampu menyediakan tambahan sampai enam program siaran lagi untuk penerimaan bergerak (mobile). Hal ini sangat memungkinkan bagi penambahan siaran-siaran TV baru.
Bagi industri radio, secara logis akan ditentukan penggunaan teknologi DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) yang dikembangkan sebagai penyeimbang teknologi DVB-T sebagaimana sudah diimplementasikan di lebih dari 40 negara, khususnya negara-negara Eropa. Teknologi DAB bila dikembangkan menggunakan teknologi Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB), yaitu dengan menambahkan DMB multimedia prosesor, akan mampu menyiarkan konten gambar bergerak sebagaimana siaran TV. Hal ini telah menstimulasi para pelaku industri radio untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya dengan menambah konten berupa gambar bergerak, seperti informasi cuaca, peta jalan, video clip, dan film, sebagaimana yang terjadi di industri televisi.
Berbeda dengan industri TV yang harus secara total bermigrasi ke digital karena tuntutan perkembangan teknologi, migrasi digital dalam industri radio hanya sebuah pilihan karena teknologi radio FM dianggap sudah cukup memiliki kualitas dan efisiensi yang baik. Apalagi belum lama ini pemerintah baru selesai menata ulang alokasi frekuensi radio FM yang berkonsekuensi pada perpindahan frekuensi bagi sebagian besar operator radio dan timbulnya biaya investasi tambahan bagi operator radio tersebut. Teknologi radio FM tetap akan bertahan sampai belasan tahun ke depan.
Pertimbangan migrasi
Implementasi sistem TV digital di Eropa, Amerika, dan Jepang sudah dimulai beberapa tahun lalu. Di Jerman, proyek ini telah dimulai sejak tahun 2003 untuk kota Berlin dan tahun 2005 untuk Muenchen dan saat ini hampir semua kota besar di Jerman sudah bersiaran TV digital. Belanda telah memutuskan untuk melakukan switch off (penghentian total) siaran TV analognya sejak akhir 2007. Perancis akan menerapkan hal sama pada tahun 2010. Inggris sejak akhir 2005 telah melakukan uji coba mematikan beberapa siaran analog untuk menguji penghentian total sistem analog bisa dilakukan pada tahun 2012. Kongres Amerika Serikat telah memberikan mandat untuk menghentikan siaran TV analog secara total pada 2009, begitu pula Jepang pada 2011.
Negara-negara di kawasan Asia juga sudah mulai melakukan migrasi total. Di Singapura, TV digital diluncurkan sejak Agustus 2004 dan saat ini telah dinikmati lebih kurang 250.000 rumah. Di Malaysia, uji coba siaran TV digital juga sudah dirintis sejak 1998 dengan dukungan dana sangat besar dari pemerintah dan saat ini siarannya sudah bisa dinikmati lebih dari 2 juta rumah.
Keputusan pemerintah atas penggunaan DVB-T sebagai standar TV digital terestrial akan menjadi lokomotif terjadinya migrasi dari era penyiaran analog menuju era penyiaran digital di Indonesia. Pilihan ini membuka peluang ketersediaan saluran siaran yang lebih banyak, yang berimplikasi dalam banyak aspek. Untuk itu, peran pemerintah menjadi sangat strategis dalam mempersiapkan pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang mampu mengisi dan menjadi pelaku industri penyiaran digital. Momentum penyiaran digital ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pemicu tumbuh dan berkembangnya kemandirian bangsa.
Peran pemerintah melalui Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika memang terlihat cukup besar. Banyak hal yang telah dilakukan, antara lain pembentukan tiga working group (WG), yaitu WG Regulasi TV Digital, WG Master Plan Frequency, dan WG Teknologi Peralatan untuk Persiapan Implementasi TV Digital. Selain itu, telah dilakukan pembentukan konsorsium uji coba TV digital, pembagian set-top box (STB) kepada perwakilan masyarakat, sampai dengan kegiatan sosialisasi ke berbagai daerah yang melibatkan beragam unsur masyarakat.
Partisipasi aktif pemerintah dalam implementasi teknologi TV digital ini menjadi penting karena migrasi ini akan menimbulkan revolusi di bidang penyiaran. Tulisan Bambang Heru Tjahjono, ketua WG Teknologi Peralatan Depkominfo di Kompas (12/9), dengan jelas mengajak pentingnya keberpihakan pemerintah dalam pengembangan industri nasional dalam implementasi TV digital ini.
Banyak potensi industri nasional yang perlu dikembangkan dan dilibatkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam implementasi TV digital ini, seperti PT INTI, Polytron, Panggung, dan Xirka Chipset yang sudah siap dalam industri STB nasional. Begitu pula PT LEN yang telah memfokuskan diri dalam produksi perangkat transmisi. Di samping itu, ada beberapa production house (PH) yang telah siap dalam memproduksi konten berteknologi digital. Peran aktif mereka perlu disambut dan bahkan dipacu agar dapat memberikan kontribusi yang semakin konvergen menuju implementasi teknologi TV digital ini.
Pemerintah perlu memberikan semacam insentif bagi industri nasional yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam produksi perangkat TV digital agar tidak kalah bersaing dengan pelaku industri dari negara lain yang secara agresif telah masuk ke Indonesia, seperti China dan Korea. Apalagi beberapa industri nasional kita sudah siap untuk melakukan customized produknya agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia, seperti penambahan fitur Electronic Program Guide (EPG) versi Indonesia, Early Warning System (EWS), fitur Interactivity yang lebih baik, dan tidak kalah penting fitur Peoples Meter yang dapat memberikan fungsi viewer rating dan Polling System yang merupakan komponen penting dalam industri siaran TV.
Fitur terakhir ini sangat penting agar industri TV kita tidak berada dalam kondisi ”terjajah” dan sangat bergantung kepada lembaga survei asing, yang akurasi hasil rating-nya belum tentu dapat dipertanggungjawabkan

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011


Selamat datang di terobosan bebas
Segala sesuatu yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang produksi film dan televisi dapat dipelajari dalam dua sampai tiga hari." Kami melakukannya dalam dua hari. Dari ide,memahami, memproduksi langsung, keuangan, memasarkan dan mendistribusikan film dan acara tv anda.
akan meliputi:

  • 1. Independen Filmmaking
  • 2. Screenwriting
  • 3. Guilds dan Stasiun tv indonesia
  • 4. Pra-Produksi
  • 5. Mengarahkan A sampai Z
  • 6. Produksi dasar: Shooting film Anda
  • 7. Poska Produksi: Finishing film Anda
  • 8. Digital Filmmaking A sampai Z
  • 9. Penganggaran A sampai Z
  • 10. Publisitas dan Pemasaran
  • 11. TV Kabel dan Video Penjualan
  • 12. Penjualan & Keuntungan Luar Negeri
  • 13. Pembiayaan dan dealmaking
  • 14. Distribusi
  • 15. Organisasi: Mempersiapkan Jadwal Shooting
  • 16. Pembuat film itu Gameplan: A Roadmap Sukses
  • Kenapa harus pergi ke sebuah sekolah film mahal.
    Yang saya dan anda inginkan: 
  • Sebuah film yang hebat informasi dan pembuatan film pendidikan untuk sedikitnya biaya dalam periode waktu terpendek.
  • Hayo Mengapa menunggu?
  • Daftar dan Hubungi sekarang 08170970639/081519213045/02198641990//

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

sutradara film yang bermutu dan populer
Hampir semua Sutradara pasti ingin film yang ia garap menjadi film yang bermutu, populer, berkesan, serta bisa mendatangkan banyak uang. Tapi ternyata tak banyak sutradara yang bisa membuat film yang sangat berkualitas dan bisa menjadi review di dunia perfilman dunia, hanya sedikit Sutradara yang benar-benar mempunyai "sense of film". Oleh karna itu maka tak heran jika banyak Film-film berkualitas yang digarap oleh satu produser.

Produser bisa dianggap sukses jika filmnya bisa menjadi film berkualitas, meledak di pasaran dan mendatangkan banyak uang (Apalagi jika filmnya bisa masuk ominasi atau menjuarai piala Oscar). hanya beberapa Sutradar yang bisa membuat membuat film seperti itu.

Berikut Kami tampilkan daftar 10 sutradara tersukses yang dinilai berdasarkan kualitas film yang digarap, popularitas film yang digarap, serta jumlah pemasukan uang dari film yang digarap :

1. Steven Spielberg
Filmography: Munich, War of the Worlds, The Terminal, Catch Me If You Can, Minority Report, A.I., Saving Private Ryan, Amistad, Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Hook, Always, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Empire of the Sun, The Color Purple, ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, JawsTotal Domestic Box Office: $3.445 BillionPer Film Average: $164.1 Million
2. Robert Zemeckis
Filmography: Beowulf, The Polar Express, Cast Away, What Lies Beneath, Contact, Forrest Gump, Death Becomes Her, Back to the Future, Back to the Future Part II, Back to the Future Part III, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Romancing the Stone, Used CarsTotal Domestic Box Office: $1.799 BillionPer Film Average: $150 Million
3. George Lucas
Filmography: American Graffiti, Star Wars, Star Wars Episode I, Star Wars Episode II, Star Wars Episode IIITotal Domestic Box Office: $1.698 BillionPer Film Average: $340 Million

4. Ron Howard
Filmography: The Da Vinci Code, Cinderella Man, The Missing, A Beautiful Mind, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, EDtv, Ransom, Apollo 13, The Paper, Far and Away, Backdraft, Parenthood, Willow, Gung Ho, Cocoon, Splash, Night ShiftTotal Domestic Box Office: $1.606 BillionPer Film Average: $100.3 Million
5. Chris Columbus
Filmography: Rent, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Bicentennial Man, Stepmom, Nine Months, Mrs. Doubtfire, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, Only The Lonely, Heartbreak Hotel, Adventures in BabysittingTotal Domestic Box Office: $1.567 BillionPer Film Average: $130.6 Million
6. Gore Verbinski
Filmography: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, The Weather Man, The Ring, The Mexican, Mouse HuntTotal Domestic Box Office: $1.308 BillionPer Film Average: $187 Million
7. Peter Jackson
Filmography: King Kong, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The FrightenersTotal Domestic Box Office: $1.268 BillionPer Film Average: $253.6 Million

8. Tim Burton
Filmography: Sweeney Todd, Corpse Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Big Fish, Planet of the Apes, Sleepy Hollow, Mars Attacks!, Ed Wood, Batman Returns, Edward Scissorhands, Batman, Beetlejuice, Pee-Wee’s Big AdventureTotal Domestic Box Office: $1.267 BillionPer Film Average: $97.4 Million
9. Sam Raimi
Filmography: Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3, The Gift, For Love of the Game, A Simple Plan, The Quick and the Dead, Army of Darkness, DarkmanTotal Domestic Box Office: $1.247 BillionPer Film Average: $138.5 Million
10.James Cameron
Filmography: Titanic, True Lies, Terminator 2, The Abyss, Aliens, TerminatorTotal Domestic Box Office: $1.147 BillionPer Film Average: $163.8 Million

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Kevin Costner Sutradarai Mini Seri TV

Kevin Costner Sutradarai Mini Seri TV

Kevin Costner, bintang film dan juga pernah menyutradarai film layar lebar seperti Wyatt Earp, The Postman, Open Range dan Dances With Wolves,  berencana untuk menjadi sutradara tv.

Adapun kabarnya nih, Kevin, yang emang suka banget dengansejarah,bakalan meyutradarai mini seri TV yang menceritakan tentang usai perang saudara di Amerika.

Gak hanya itu, seperti yang dikabarkan Femalefirst,, Kevin juga bakal main dalam mini seri itu yang mana akan mempelajari tentang penduduk (settlement) di bagian barat Negara-negara bagian Amerika.
Dan jika rencana itu terealisir jaringan tv Amerika A&E berkenan mengudarakan mini seri tersebut.

Dia (Costner) lebih mengerti film barat ketimbang orang lain, dan dia menghormati genre.”

“Dia tahu semua detail tentang budaya barat; ini adalah jenis film yang sangat dia sukai. Itu adalah kesempatan yang sempurna,” ujar jubir buat jaringan A&E.

Meski Kevin jadi terkenal berkat peran-perannya seperti dalam film The Untouchable dan Field of Dreams, tapi sukses paling besar yang pernah dia dapat adalah ketika dirinya menjadi pemain dan juga sekaligus sutradara Dances with Wolves tahun 1990 dimana film itu  dinominasikan dalam 20 katergori di piala Oscar dan memenangkan Best Picture dan juga Best Director.

Buku Buku Seni Sinema Televisi

Buku Buku Seni Sinema Televisi 
Dari Rumah Kertas Ke Pentas Dunia
Pengarang       : A. Syaeful Anwar
Halaman          : 248
Editor              : Seno Gumira Ajidarma
ISBN               : 979-00351
Cetakan I        : Maret 2005

Buku ini berasal dari sebuah tesis tentang biografi Nobertus Riantiarno, seorang tokoh teater modern Indonesia. Berbicara juga tentang Teater Koma dan tentang perbincangan antar wacana terutama seni tradisional dan seni modern.

Film/Media Seni
Pengarang       : D. A. Peransi
Halaman          : 197
Editor              : Marselli Sumarno
ISBN               : 979-00351
Cetakan I        : Juni 2005

Buku ini berisi sejumlah pemikiran dari Peransi ini meski terkesan klasik namun cukup layak untuk dibaca sebagai pembelajaran dalam dunia kini, terutama dunia film. Buku ini berisi tentang estetika film, film dokumenter, film sebagai media ekspresi dan sebagainya.

Kritik Sosial Dalam Film Komedi
Penulis             : Harun Suwardi
Halaman          : 187
Editor              : Marselli Sumarno
ISBN               : 979-00351
Cetakan I        : Juni 2005

Harun Suwardi menghabiskan hari-harinya menggeluti film-film Nya Abbas Akup, hasilnya dipoles oleh Veven Sp. Wardhana. Inilah kajian terhadap tujuh film komedi dengan kritik sosial tajam sekaligus menghibur. 

Penulis             : Gerzon R. Ayawaila
Halaman          : 226
Editor              : Veven Sp. Wardhana
ISBN               : 978-979-16063-1-8
Cetakan II       : Januari 2009

Penulis buku ini selain seorang dosen adalah juga sekaligus praktisi film dokumenter. Karena itu, selain penuh dengan rujukan teori dan metodologi yang terhitung rinci, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan pemaparan pengalaman ketika yang bersangkutan memproduksi dokumenter, termasuk juga pemaparan perihal langkah-langkah yang hendak dan harus dilakukan ketika memproduksi dokumenter.

Penulis             : RM. Soenarto
Halaman          : 175
Editor              : Veven Sp. Wardhana
ISBN               : 978-979-16063-0-1
Cetakan I        : Maret 2007

Buku disusun oleh seorang yang sangat berkompeten dalam bidangnya, sehingga paparannya tak berhenti sebagai semata teori dan metodologi, melainkan sudah terpraktikkan mengingat penulisnya adalah praktisi yang sudah malang-melintang dalam dunia broadcast pertelevisian baik di dalam negeri maupun tingkat internasional. Untuk itu, beberapa contoh konkret juga disertakan dalam buku ini untuk setiap persoalan yang dijadikan topik bahasan.

Programa Televisi
Penulis             : RM. Soenarto
Halaman          : 163
Editor              : Veven Sp. Wardhana
ISBN               : 978-979-16063-2-5
Cetakan I        : Agustus 2008

Teori tanpa praktik adalah mandul. Praktik tanpa teori sama dengan meraba-raba dalam kegelapan. Nah, praktik dan pengalaman mutlak bagi siapa pun yang ingin bekerja dengan sukses. Buku ini adalah uraian Pak Narto sebagai “orang lapangan” ingin berbagi dengan pembaca yang ingin maju dalam televisi. Pahit-manisnya kerja seorang produser televisi juga dipaparkan dalam buku ini.

Jejak-jejak Tradisi Bahasa Rupa Indonesia Lama
Penulis             : Wiyoso Yudoseputro
Halaman          : 244
Editor              : Nanang Gandaprawira
                         Puspito Hadi
ISBN               : 979-8699-03-3
Cetakan I        : Juli 2008

Buku ini menjadi bukti yang terdokumentasi secara runtut dan apik dari pikiran salah seorang ahli Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Indonesia yang memang memiliki nilai yang kuat dan memiliki artefak-artefak yang hingga kini masih tertinggal bahkan sebagian masih dipergunakan dan menempel dalam kehidupan manusia Indonesia modern masa kini. Seolah-olah menandai bahwa kehidupan masa lalu baru terjadi pada beberapa bulan, atau bahkan beberapa hari lalu sehingga ingatan itu seharusnya tidak bias hilang. Buku ini selain sebagai ilmu pengetahuan umum tentang kebudayaan Indonesia, juga sebagai media rewinder yang selalu mengingatkan kita tentang masa lalu yang mendasari lahirnya masa kini.

Job Description Pekerja Film (versi 01)
Tim Produksi   : Agni Ariatama
                         Arda Muhlisiun
Halaman          : 150
ISBN               : 978-979-99351-1-3
Cetakan I        : Maret 2008

Buku ini tersusun atas kontribusi para pengajar film di IKJ: Sam Sarumpaet, Eric Gunawan, Nan Achnas, Agni Ariatama, Faozan Rizal, Nurhidayat, A. Syaeful Anwar, RB. Armantono, Marselli Sumarno, Hartanto, Khikmawan Santosa, Wahyu Tri Purnomo, Abduh Aziz, Gerzon R. Ayawaila, dan Tino Saroengallo.

Buku ini sebagai petunjuk pelaksanaan pembuatan film yang disepakati semua pihak baik pekerjanya maupun perusahaan penyelenggara produksi film (baik untuk bioskop maupun televisi).

Teknik Menulis Skenario Film Cerita
Penulis             : H. Misbach Yusa Biran
Halaman          : 344
Editor              : Tugas Supriyanto
ISBN               : 979-419-314-0
Cetakan II       : 2010
Buku ini sangat membantu dan bermanfaat terutama bagi pemula yang ingin menulis skenario. Buku ini bukan saja berisi panduan teknis, namun juga berisi prinsip dan folosofi penting dipahami oleh calon penulis skenario film. Buku pertama yang menguraikan seluk-beluk penulisan skenario secara sungguh-sungguh dengan contoh-contoh yang berasal dari film-film terkenal di dunia dan ditulis secara sistematis.

Penulis             : Joseph V. Mascelli, A.S.C
Penerjemah      : H. Misbach Yusa Biran
Halaman          : 474
ISBN               : 978-979-16063-5-6
Cetakan II       : 2010
Buku ini memberikan gambaran bahwa penyajian cerita atau noncerita (dokumenter) melalui film memerlukan langkah-langkah dan hukum-hukum pembuatan film yang mesti dipegang para pekerja film agar karya yang diciptakannya kelak mampu membuat penonton untuk tetap duduk di kursinya.

Penulis             : Gayus Siagian
Halaman          : 162
Editor              : Gotot Prakosa
ISBN               : 978-979-16063-6-3
Cetakan I        : 2010
Buku yang berasal dari artikel panjang Gayus ini memiliki makna penting, karena karya Gayus ini telah menjadi rujukan penting bagi penulisan-penulisan buku lainnya mengenai sejarah film Indonesia. Sebelum diterbitkan sebagai buku, artikel panjang ini menjadi diktat atau artikel bahan kuliah di Lembaga Pendidikan Kesenian Jakarta (LPKJ) yang kemudian menjadi Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ) dimana Gayus mengajar bidang sejarah film.

Penulis             : Dr. Matius Ali
Halaman          : 254
Sampul & Isi   : Tugas Supriyanto
ISBN               : 978-979-99351-2-0
Cetakan I        : 2010
Buku ini ditulis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa film, televisi, fotografi dan kajian media serta masyarakat umum yang tertarik untuk menonton atau membaca film lewat psikoanalisis Lacan. Penulis berharap di kemudian hari ada yang berminat untuk melakukan studi atau penelitian lebih lanjut tentang psikoanalisis Lacan dan film.

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011


The birth of television was not due to one single inventor. The creation of the TV took time and many people contributed to its evolution. Some were working together, and some alone and from different countries. The first television sets were not entirely electric. They were at the beginning mechanical. It had a small motor with a spinning disc and a neon lamp, which worked together to give a blurry reddish-orange image about half the size of a business card (Left).
Quick Review of the Beginning: How it all started
: Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday’s work with electromagnetism makes possible the era of electronic communication to begin.
1862: Abbe Giovanna Caselli invents the "pantelegraph" (Pictured Right) and becomes the first person to transmit a still image over wires.
1873: Scientists May and Smith experiment with selenium and light, this experiment helped inventors to transform images into electronic signals.
1876: George Carey wanted to do a complete television system and in 1877 he made drawings for what he called a "selenium camera" that would allow people to "see by electricity."
Eugene Goldstein changed the term "cathode rays" to illustrate the light emitted when an electric current was forced through a vacuum tube.
Late 1870's: Scientists and engineers Paiva, Figuier, and Senlecq were selecting other designs for "telectroscopes."
1880: The inventors Bell and Edison conceive on telephone devices that transmit image and sound. Bell's photophone used light to transmit sound and he wanted to advance his device to also send images.
1881: Sheldon Bidwell experiments with telephotography, which is another photophone.
1884: Paul Nipkow used a rotating metal disk technology to send images over wires. It is called the "electric telescope".
1900:   At the World's Fair in Paris, the 1st International Congress of Electricity took place, where Russian Constantin Perskyi made the first known use of the word "television."


Mechanical Television

1906: Lee de Forest invents the "Audion" vacuum tube that was necessary to electronics. The Audion was the first tube with the ablity to amplify signals. Boris Rosing combines Nipkow's disk and a cathode ray tube and builds the first working mechanical TV system (Right).
1907: Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing suggest using cathode ray tubes (Left) to transmit images, independent of each other, they both develop electronic scanning methods to reproduce images.
Paul Gottlied Nipkow
German, Paul Nipkow developed a rotating-disc technology to transmit pictures over wire in 1884 called the Nipkow disk. This was the very first electromechanical TV scanning system. Nipkow's system was abandoned early in the history of TV for the electronic systems developed by later inventors.
John Logie Baird
John Logie Baird (Left) is remembered as being an inventor of mechanical television. Mechanical television, an earlier version of TV, was developed in late 1920s in England. During W.W.II, Baird developed the first color picture tube.
Charles Francis Jenkins
Jenkins invented a mechanical television system called radiovision and claimed to have transmitted the earliest moving silhouette images on June 14, 1923.

Electronic Television
The History of the Cathode Ray Tube
Electronic television is based on the development of the cathode ray tube, which is the picture tube found in modern TV sets. German scientist, Karl Braun invented the cathode ray tube oscilloscope (CRT) in 1897.
Vadimir Kosma Zworydin
Vladimir Kosma Zworykin invented the cathode-ray tube called the kinescope in 1929, a tube needed for TV transmission. He also invented the iconoscope, an early television camera.
Philo T. Farnsworth
Philo T. Farnsworth was the farm boy who conceived the basic operating principles of electronic television at 13 years old.

The Development of Color Television
In 1904, a German patent contained the earliest proposal for a color television system. In 1925, Zworykin filed a patent for an all-electronic color television system. But unfortunately, neither of these systems were successful but they were still considered the first color television. The very first successful color television system began commercial broadcasting in December 1953. It was based on a system designed by RCA.
In 1940, before RCA (Radio Corporation of America), CBS researchers led by Peter Goldmark invented a mechanical color television system based on the designs of John Logie Baird. The FCC (Federal Communications Commision) authorized CBS's color television technology as the national standard in October of 1950, in spite of the fact that the system was huge, complicated, and was not compatible with earlier black and white sets. RCA sued to stop the public broadcasting of CBS based systems. CBS had begun color broadcasting on five East Coast stations in June1951. However, at that time 10.5 million black and white televisions (half RCA sets) had been sold to the public and very few color sets. Color television production was stopped during the Korean War, and with the lawsuits, and the slow sales, the CBS system failed.
Those factors provided RCA with the time to design a better color television, which they based on the 1947 patent application of Alfred Schroeder. Their system passed FCC approval in late 1953 and sales of RCA color televisions began in 1954.
Philip Nipkow (1860-1940) He was a German engineer who at 23 years old, proposed and patented the first electromechanical television system in 1884.

Charles F Jenkins (1867-1934) He was an American inventor from Ohio and he created a mechanical television system called radiovision and claimed to have transmitted the earliest moving silhouette images on June 14, 1923.

John Logie Baird (1888-1946) He was a Scottish engineer and entrepreneur who in 1924 created the first transmissions of simple face shapes using mechanical television

Philo T. Farnsworth (1906-1971) He was an American inventor from Utah who in 1927, when he was only 21 years old, created the first electronic television system. In 1928, He publicly demonstrated the first all-electronic television image.

David Sarnoff (1891-1971) He was the President of the RCA (Radio Corporation of American. He had an important role in financing the development of electronic television. He founded NBC, the radio broadcasting of RCA, in 1926. NBC facilitated some of the earliest American mechanical television broadcasts with experimental transmissions of Felix the cat. Meanwhile, Sarnoff encouraged Zworykin to continue to develop an all-electronic television system.
Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) He was a Russian inventor and he created in 1929the cathode-ray tube called the kinescope. The kinescope tube was necessary needed for television. He was one of the first to demonstrate a television system with all the features of modern picture tubes. In 1923, Zworykin also invented the iconoscope -- a tube for television transmission used in the first cameras. The iconoscope was replaced but it laid the foundations for early television cameras.

By Ben Garrett
While television was developed in the early 20 th century, it did not become America’s primary source of entertainment until after World War II. Early television borrowed much of its content from radio programming. This transition of vaudeville type radio acts to the television screen was enormously successful. Eventually television started to create its own forms of entertainment. Variety shows and dramas became one of America’s favorite entertainment pastimes. The popularity of television undoubtedly rests on the many dynamic personalities of its entertainers and actors.
One of television’s first stars was Bob Hope. Hope (Right) became a 20 th century American comedic icon, thanks in large part to his presence on television. Parlaying a successful radio and Broadway career to television proved to be fairly easy for this talented entertainer. In 1950 Hope signed a deal with NBC to produce television comedy specials. For over 40 years Hope’s specials entertained America, particularly at Christmas time.
The variety show is an entertainment genre belonging distinctly to television. . Television executives were eager to bring vaudeville style acts to the TV screen, and “The Ed Sullivan Show” stands as a successful example of this transition (Left). Starting in 1948, “The Ed Sullivan Show” would become televisions longest running variety series Variety shows were mass-marketed to appeal the widest possible audiences. In television’s infancy, only a few channels existed, so it was highly possible to attract giant, nationwide audiences. This show operated under the comedic mantra “to entertain some of the audience at least part of the time.” The high point of “The Ed Sullivan Show” came in 1964, when the fledgling rock band “The Beatles” made their first American appearance. This was the show’s all-time highest rated episode, and has been credited with helping to start the musical and cultural revolutions occurring in the 1960’s.
Besides its entertainment draw, television has also been a highly depended upon source for daily news. The evening news on any of the “Big 3” networks has become an American institution. Walter Cronkite (Right) was likely America’s most beloved and popular news anchor. Cronkite was a young war correspondent during World War II. In 1950 he was hired by CBS as a full time reporter. In 1962 he became CBS’s nightly newscaster. His job as anchor ran until 1981. During his tenure as America’s anchor, Cronkite covered momentous social events such as the Civil Rights Movement, the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Assassination, and the first Moon Walk by America’s NASA space program. It has been said that Cronkite was “the most trusted man in America.”
Television has not been without its female personalities. Perhaps the first beloved female star was Mary Tyler Moore (Left). In the 1960’s and 70’s Moore was the star of two of television’s first situational comedies. In the 60’s she played a wacky suburban housewife on “The Dick Van Dyke Show.” In the 1970’s Moore became a role-model for America’s feminist movement. On the “Mary Tyler Moore Show” she played the role of a Minneapolis newswoman coming off the heels of a failed relationship. The show revolved around her business and social relationships, and is of particular importance because it was the first television show in which a single woman proved to be happy and successful, without a man in her life.
Oprah Winfrey has become a truly iconic American. Her career began at the age of 19, as a news reporter for a Nashville, Tennessee television station. In 1976 she became one of the nation’s first African American anchorwomen in Baltimore, Maryland. By 1984, Oprah had landed a job as a talk show host on a then failing Chicago morning show. Oprah’s infectious personality helped her come to dominate Chicago’s morning shows within a few short years. Her daily talk show, “The Oprah Winfrey Show”.
has been syndicated nationally since 1985. Oprah is beloved by most Americans, and has achieved a level of unprecedented financial success. She is unique as a black woman who has transcended and redefined racial boundaries within the television industry. Her talk show has received numerous awards and her media empire includes magazines, book clubs, and even a movie production wing.
These five individuals are only a small sampling of the many personalities that have helped to make television America’s foremost source of entertainment. Television’s presence in our homes allows audiences to develop a unique and almost personal connection with these individuals. Beloved by their audiences, these stars enjoy an unrivaled level of celebrity in American society.

By Brynne Steward
When satellite television first became readily available to the general public, home satellite dishes were quite impractical. The dishes used for home television viewing were large, expensive metal pieces of equipment that took up a huge amount of space. One can see how this sort of technology already excludes those who may not be able to afford this technology or who do not have enough space to store the necessary equipment. In the early years of satellite television, only the more well-off die hard TV fans would even go through the hassle and expense to get the satellites installed. However, a lot has changed since then. Now, many more people have taken advantage of satellite television because the dishes are a lot smaller and more manageable, able to perch on top of almost any rooftop, as well as less expensive.
There are more reasons why satellite television became more popular over the years. One reason was to alleviate a problem that currently existed for television viewers. The problem was the limitations of the current system of broadcast television. Broadcast television stations use a powerful antenna to transmit radio waves to the surrounding areas. People who wish can pick up these signals with a much smaller antenna connected to their television set. The biggest problem with this system is the range. The radio signals that broadcast stations use only project in a straight line and in order for one to receive this signal they must be in the relative direct lines of the waves. Small things such as trees or buildings are not a problem but because the earth is curved, this straight line signal can only be picked up for so long. Therefore, a lot of people are not able to pick up this signal. In addition, people who are able to pick up the signal often receive a distorted image because to make sure the image is clear one has to be pretty close to the broadcast antenna with few obstacles in the way.
Satellite television set out to alleviate these problems attributed to broadcast television. Instead of transmitting signals from a station antenna that was easily hindered, it transmits signals from satellites orbiting the earth. More people were therefore able to pick up the signals from their personal dishes because more people are in the line of sight of the antenna and there are fewer obstacles in the way to obstruct the image. Television began using satellites on March 1, 1978 when the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) introduced Public Television Satellite Service.
People began turning to satellite television because over the years the dishes got smaller and more affordable. They moved from taking up the whole back yard to being perched on the roof of the residence out of the way completely. Also, people interested in a myriad of television shows could use their dishes to tune into broadcasts not necessarily intended for mass audiences, pick up signals from foreign countries, watch commercial-less programming, and listen to music in top quality, or anything else transmitted by satellite for that matter. Some seek out these channels on their own but most get their programs from ready-made packages provided by a direct broadcast satellite provider. People in especially rural areas enjoy the perks of satellite television because regular broadcast cable does not reach them. Satellite television also offers a lot more channels than cable.
Though satellite television has a lot of advantages, it also has its disadvantages. For one, the images face the possibility of being obscured if there is bad weather. It also does not present the best access to local programming which is as important as getting info from around the globe. Also, satellite television is restricted to one channel at a time on all televisions if they are connected to the same receiver dishes. This can present a problem when multiple people in a household wish to watch different programs. A solution to this problem would be to get different receivers for each television. Satellite television also tends to cost more than cable television.
The two major companies offering satellite television are DirecTV and the Dish network. Their competition for the satellite audience markets benefit’s the consumer by keeping prices as low as possible. There are multiple advantages and disadvantages to satellite television and if it is worth investing in is completely up to the customer depending on their television viewing wishes. If they want all the channels they never knew they wanted to watch satellite television might be for them. If they live in an area where cable is not available, satellite is definitely a likely option. Satellite television is a technology offered to give consumers options based on their personal preferences. It was extremely innovative when it was introduced to society and continues to improve upon itself to keep up with today's ever-changing technology. It will be interesting to see what satellite television offers us in the near future.

By Raymond Look
As many new technology is growing in the development of television, i.e. TiVo. This technology is helping make television interactive. Ellen Lee in Television ready to high-tech wrote that television “ could include multiple picture-in-picture, an interactive electronic television guide, live video telephone calls, the ability to search for programs meeting a certain criteria, and the power to control the camera angle during a sports game,” (
Lavada Desalles of the House Energy and Commerce is quoted to say “ Digital television technology is the greatest transformation television service has experienced since the advent of color television 50 years ago. It offers consumers better quality transmission and a wider range of programming options. Digital television delivers a significantly sharper resolution than over- the-air broadcast-only television, and a higher-quality sound. This is an exciting technological development for television viewers,” (
Television programs to go wireless in May written by Kim Tong-hyung said, “ Mobile television services, dubbed by Korean officials as digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB), are designed to beam digital television, audio and data broadcasts to handheld devices via satellite or land-based television airwaves,” (
David Grimes in Smell-O-Vision is wafing into your future writes that “… Sony is (allegedly) developing a set that emits odors as well as pictures. Call it Smell-O-Vision,” (
In Interactive TV ready to debut by Bruce Meyerson, he wrote “IPTV converts a television signal into small packets of computer data like any other form of online traffic such as e-mail, a Web page or the Internet phone service known as VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol making it easier to integrate the various services on a TV screen, …[and offer] an interactive program guide that might enable viewers to watch a sample clip, program a digital video recorder, pull up information about the actors and director or search for other shows on a related topic or from the same genre,” (
While researching for the future of television, there were many speculations of what the television can do for us. These are some ideas television can be headed towards. Many of the ideas can be hard to be grasped but they are good ideas. I think the technology we can see in the future will be building on older technology to make it make better for us. The future of television is hard to speculate but with introduction of new technology and ideas, television has a bright future.


ABC (American Broadcasting Company) dibentuk tahun 1943. ABC merupakan stasiun televisi dan radio Amerika Serikat. ABC juga menyediakan berita di Internet. Layanan televisi ini tersedia di Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Meksiko, dan Karibia.
1960an dan 1970an
* 1963: "The New ABC"
* 1964: "Wild World of Entertainment"
* 1965: "Turn on the Excitement!"
* 1966: "7 Nights To Remember"
* 1967: "A Very Special Season"
* 1968: "Find Your Own Thing!"
* 1969: "Meet Us in September"
* 1970: "Let's Get Together on ABC"
* 1971-1973: "This is the Place to Be"
* 1974: "Hello, America"
* 1975: "Welcome to the Bright New World of ABC"
* 1976: "Let Us Be the One"
* 1977-1978, 1979-1980: "Still The One"
* 1978: "We're the One!"


* 1980: "You and Me and ABC"
* 1981: "Now is the Time, ABC is the Place"
* 1982: "Come on Along with ABC"
* 1983: "That Special Feeling on ABC"
* 1984: "We're With You on ABC"
* 1985: "You'll Love It!"
* 1986: "Together"
* 1987 - 1989: "Something's Happening on ABC"

* 1990-1991: "America's Watching ABC"
* 1992: "It Must Be ABC"
* 1993: "Watched by more people than any other network"
* 1994: "The American Broadcasting Company"
* 1995: "Get with the Program!"
* 1996: "Nobody does it like ABC"
* 1997: "TV is Good"
* 1998: "We Love TV"
* 1999–2007: "America's Broadcasting Company"

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Tren Bisnis Pertelevisian Indon ala Rupert Murdoch

Bisnis pertelevisian, Raja Media dunia Rupert Murdoch lewat Star TV-membeli langsung 20% saham antv. , Rupert Murdoch lewat Star TV - juga membeli saham TV-7 sebesar 20% langsung, serta 30% secara tidak langsung-melalui antv.
Semua ini bisa terjadi karena pemerintah membolehkan 20% kepemilikan langsung oleh asing. 
Trans TV juga dikabarkan akan melakukan aliansi dengan Indosiar dalam menyingkapi perkembangan bisnis televisi di Indonesia yang kian ketat.
Didaerah, bos Jawa Pos Group Dahlan Iskan, segera melakukan aliansi bisnis dengan mengakuasisi 18 televisi daerah yang akan masuk dalam satu holding. Selain TV umum, bisnis Pay TV(televisi kabel, teresterial,satelit) juga makin seru.
Austro TV yang menjadi Raja TV Kabel didunia juga akan bermitra dengan Group Lippo untuk mengembangkan Kabelvision.
Aliansi bisnis seperti apa yang kini tengah dilakukan para pemain media di Indonesia ? Apa yang dilakukan Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) yang memiliki 3 stasiun televisi (RCTI, TPI dan Global TV).
Bagaimana dengan SCTV dan Metro TV, apakah mereka juga diincar investor asing ?
Seperti apakah tren bisnis media kedepan ?

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Big Budget Hollywood Movies

Hollywood's 25 Most Expensive Movies

Big Budget Hollywood Movies

Blockbuster movies budgets are growing bigger and movies are getting more expensive. The most expensive movies are not always the biggest hits. Many of the most expensive movies on this list are sequels. Hollywood is more willing to spend money on a sequel, to a successful film. These movies, per Forbes Magazine, have been calculated in 2006 dollars, adjusting for inflation. Even so. the majority of these films are fairly recent. Although the 2005 average film cost was $60 million to make. Megafilms routinely cost over $200 million. These Hollywood's Most Expensive films averaged $197.1 million in production costs.

Following are the Top 25 Most Expensive Hollywood Films, along with their release dates, budget cost and U.S. and Foreign Box Office Figures.

1. Cleopatra: Starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Fox Studio, Released June 12,, 1963. budget $290.2 Million. U.S. Box Office $381 Million.

2. Superman Returns: Starring Brandon Routh. Warner Brothers Studio. Released June 28, 2006. Budget $268.5 Million. U.S. Box Office $199 Million. Foreign Box Office $190.

3. Titanic: Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Paramount Studios. Released December 19, 1997. Budget $250.2 Million. U.S. Box Office $751.6 million. Foreign Box Office $1.6 billion.

4. Waterworld: Starring Kevin Costner. Universal Studio. Released July 28, 1995. Budget $231.6 million. U.S. Box Office $116.8 Million. Foreign Box Office $232.9 Million.

5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: Starring Johnny Depp. Buena Vista Studio. Released June 7, 2006. Budget $223.1 million. U.S. Box Office $419.8 million. Foreign Box Office $635.million.

6. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines: Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Warner Brothers Studio. Released July 2, 2003. Budget $219.5 million. U.S. Box Office $165. Foreign Box Office $310.5 million.

7. Spider Man 2: Sony Pictures. Released June 30, 2004. Budget $212.8 million. U.S. Box Office $397.4 million. Foreign Box Office $436.6 million.